Let’s stop wasting human resources
with ineffective training.

Strategize Effectively
Exceptional organizations link a bold vision to an ambitious but thoughtful, mission-based plan. Whether it’s a one-day staff or board refresher, a short-term plan to re-boot, or a full-blown strategy that affects board chairs to line staffs – we rely on a thorough assessment to ensure you get the impact you want for the money you spend. Knowing your current capacity and assets allows us to make realistic recommendations no matter the size or scope of the assignment.
We believe GOOD strategy helps clients:
– Define what makes them unique (not what unique space they will occupy in their community).
– Develop and maintain a healthy partnership between board and staff.
– Ignore the status quo.
– Challenge orthodoxies.
– Build strong networks of influence.
– Create razor sharp focus and define what they will say “NO” to.
We believe BAD strategy causes clients to:
– Develop a destructive view of competition.
– Design flaky metrics for mission advancement.
– Confuse strategy with mission, vision, and/or value statements.
– Obsess on donors and funding streams which causes conflicts between board and staff.
– Confuse strategy with tacticals (merging, outsourcing, diversifying funding streams, building a better board, and on and on… ).
– Define strategy as an aspiration (become the “go to” agency)
– Confuse operational excellence with strategy (operations drive performance in the unique space you occupy)
Building a fantastic board, increasing funding, and/or becoming the “go to” agency in town are the results of choosing the right strategy. That’s why we use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) system as our strategic framework. Our staff are Master Practitioners of the (BSC) system. It’s the only framework we use because it’s the only one we have used that actually works.
If your team just needs a little boost in one area, a one-time board retreat might be the perfect solution. If your team needs one-on-one training or entire team coaching, we do that too. Or if your organization needs help on a more long-term basis, we offer consulting contracts from three months to two years. (For major overhauls, turnarounds, and strategic realignments, you’ll want to keep us around for a while.)
Remember, successful strategies aren’t wish lists – they are thoughtful yet ambitious plans of measurable growth, aligned with mission and shared between board and staff.