When you are part of an organization that serves people, your mission is about relationships.
What We Do
At Blackfish, we represent a movement all over the world. Change is constant and coming. It follows good leadership, and it transforms bad experiences.
Becoming a blackfish is a lifetime commitment. It is life-changing, and we don’t just mean yours. There are many paths to get there, but they all run as one – the high road.
This process is usually much bigger than you know and it casts a wide net. Think about it. How many people are following your lead right now? Don’t know, do ya? You probably never will, this side of the dirt nap. But we can promise you that there are more people behind you than you realize.
On a very basic level, we all want to make a difference and everybody can. Good leadership isn’t a birthright, it’s an accomplishment. At Blackfish, we equip nonprofit boards and civic-minded neighbors to lead, collaborate and strategize effectively. We have three leadership training programs to choose from. Select the best options for your team. All roads here lead to becoming a blackfish.
Community Education
Keynote speaker or customized team training.
Strategy building. It doesn’t just happen overnight.
Build up & strengthen leadership skills individually.