Anytime you can come into a not-for-profit and get everybody aligned around the core business, you’ve done something pretty amazing.

Implement Successfully
A well-mown strategy will keep your organization’s momentum going and motivation moving, and it will encourage people to stay planted. Though many teams have similar dynamics, they are formed by dynamically different people with unique strengths and challenges. Your group may need more help managing projects, while another needs more help resolving conflicts or preparing for major organizational changes. We’ll figure it all out and set your group on the right path. You might have to let go of some old habits, so be ready.
Successful strategy implementation will rely on solid change management. Change management is a transformational process, not a transactional one. We’ll approach change management by examining your entire company structure and governance program in light of your newly identified core mission. Then we’ll align that mission from the very top to the very bottom, so that the job of every team member – from CEO to soup line volunteer – is aligned to support your company vision.
Create unity with one voice, one goal, one mission
In the face of newly implemented changes and freshly defined goals, you’ll need to present a calm, unified voice. Believe us, when you have a hundred people talking, that ain’t so easy. To make this happen, you’ll need consistency, cross-marketing and cross-communicating – three of our favorite things! Blackfish will help you implement a clearly connected, successful strategy that will not only build confidence with your audience, it will help keep your mission growing.